Creating a file

Creating a file

1. 1. Initiate the creation of your File

You can initiate the creation of your File in two ways:
  1. Via the page listing all your Folders

    1. Go to the list of your Folders by clicking on the "Folders" tab of the left side menu

    2. Click on the " buttonAdd a folder" which appears at the top right of the page

  2. Via the Quick Add feature of the top menu, no matter which page you are on in Jarvis

    1. In the top menu bar click on the "+" button on the left

    2. Select from the menu that appears "Add" > "Fold"

2. Customize your Folder

The creation of a File consists of four steps:
  1. General information: Fill in the information of the File you need (its name, its nature...).
  2. Parties:Indicate the different Parts of the File (client(s), opponent(s), bailiff, notary...).
  3. Billing:Set the billing conditions for the File and list the users you are giving the rights to view the File and information about activities.
  4. Documents:List the users you are giving the rights to access the JarvisDrive directory of the Folder.

a. General information

Fill in the information from the desired folder in the appropriate fields. Fields with an asterisk (name of file, nature...) are mandatory.

Attention:The "Name" field must not contain specific characteristics such as ~ "#% & *: < >?? / \ { | }
If you use them they will be automatically replaced by a "-" hyphen when you save the new Folder.
Also avoid starting the name with a space, or end it with a space or point.

Note:Before filling in the field "Jurisdiction" you mustregister the jurisdiction in your contacts.

By clicking on the link “See more fieldsâ€" you will have access to additional fields to best customize your file.

In see more fields, you have the possibility to designate the user who will beManagerof the File, to add an internal note, to inform the opposing reference of the file or to inform anycustomizable fieldthat has been created for the needs of the business.

Click on the " buttonNext"to access the second stage.

b. Parties

At this stage you caninform the client(s) of the File, as well as allother Parties to the File.

Click on the " buttonNext"to access the third stage.

c. Billing

During this step you will be able to determine thebilling conditionsof your Folder, as well as the list of users who will be "Speakers" the File (i.e. who will have the right to access the File sheet and to inform activities)

(i) Determine billing conditions

Jarvis offersthree billing methods: at the flat rate or daily rate. You can edit it via the " field"billing method".

Flat fee

Regardless of the billing method you will have the opportunity to set up in addition to the flat fee that will be added to each invoice included in the File. These lump sum fees may be a percentage of invoices issued or a fixed amount.
Users with an "Administrator" profile in Jarvis cancustomize flat costs by default.

• Billing to package
  1. In the "Billing Mode" field select "Package"

  2. Fill in the "Package Amount" field.
    Note:If you do not know it yet you can fill in the sum of 1.00 € and amend later.

When a File is set to the Package all invoices issued in the File will be of the amount determined in the "Package Amount" field.

• Billing at hourly rate
  1. In the "Billing Mode" field select "Time Rate"

  2. Choose thehourly rate to applyby checking the corresponding box

    1. hourly rate by stakeholder deficiency: This is the hourly rate of users designated as Stakeholders (see below);
    2. Customer's hourly rate: This option is only available if you have set aspecific hourly rate on the contact formthe customer;
    3. Specific hourly rate on file: By checking this option you will be able to customize each Intervener's hourly rate for the File in the "File Stakeholders" section (see below).

  3. [optional] Enter the budget in the "Budgeted Amount" field. This amount will be reminded of each invoice you issue in the File.

• Billing at daily rate
  1. In the "Billing Mode" field select "Daily Rate"

  2. Customize the daily rate of each Folder Speaker in the "File Stakeholders" section (see below).

  3. [optional] Enter the budget in the "Budgeted Amount" field. This amount will be reminded of each invoice you issue in the File.
ii) Determine the Stakeholders of the File

"Interveners" are users who will have the right to access the file of the File in particular to register activities.

Defaulting the user designated as File Manager, and the user who created the File, if different, are interveners.

You have the opportunity to:
  1. Add other users like Speakers(affected users will receive a notification):

    1. Either some users only using the "Search for users" field
    2. Either all users of the company by clicking on the link "+Invite all users"

  2. Remove users from the list of speakersby clicking on the red button with a white X next to their name
    Please note: It is not possible to remove the Folder Manager from the list of Stakeholders.

Note:If you have selected a billing at the hourly rate with a specific hourly rate on file, or if you have selected a daily rate billing, you will have the opportunity to edit the "Time Rate" or "Daily Rate" fields in the Stakeholder list.

Click on the " buttonNext"to access the fourth and last step

d. Documents

This step allows you to specify the users who will have the "Drive Access", i.e. who will be able to see the documents in the directory.JarvisDriveautomatically created for the Folder. Therefore, users identified as Stakeholders at the previous stage will be listed here.

You have the opportunity to:
  1. Add other users to Drive Access:

    1. Either some users only using the "Search for users" field
    2. Either all users of the company by clicking on the link "+Invite all users"

  2. Remove users from the Drive Access Listby clicking on the red button with a white X next to their name
    Please note: It is not possible to remove the Folder Manager from the Drive Access list.

Click on the " buttonRegister" to finalize the creation of the Dossier.

Please note: You canedit a Folderat any time.

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