Create/modify the parts of a File
You can create/edit the Parts of a File:
- Thecreation of the Dossierin Step 2
- When youedit a Folder
When you are on the Parties' edition page:
- If not already add thefirst Client of the File

- Indicate thetype of contactby clicking on the appropriate pictogram:
if it is a "No one" contact (natural persons)
in the case of a contact "Organization (entity or legal person)
- Type the name of the client in the "Contact Name" field.
Then there are two options:
You have already created the customer's contact form in Jarvis
â†' It will appear in a suggestion list below the field, and simply click on it to add it.

You have not yet created the customer's contact form in Jarvis
In this case type the name of the entire client and click "
Add a person..." (if you indicated that it was a Person contact) or "
Add an organization..." (if you indicated that it was an Organization contact) below the field.
Note: You can then, once the Folder is created, return to its file to complete it.
- [optional] Fill in the client's "File Reference"
Example: a client claim number to the opponent.
- [optional] Add customer-related contacts
Example: the equal representative, the billing contact...
- Add another Party to the File
- Click on the field "Add a part"
- Choose the Party to add:
- First option: Select one of the suggestions from the list (new Client, opponent, opposing lawyer, Expert, Bailiff, Jurisdiction, Notary)
- Create a new typology for your business: read the articleAdd a new part type for your folders
- Fill in the information from the new Party as you did for the first Client of the File (see above)
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