Message JarvisBox (Nextcloud) “File names containing the character ':' are not supported on your system.

Message JarvisBox (Nextcloud) “File names containing the character ':' are not supported on your system.

What is it?

The JarvisBox sync light is red and when you access the JarvisBox settings an error message “File names containing the character ':' are not supported on your system.�


There is a file or directory whose name contains the colon symbol ":" (example: "file: 2021.pdf"). The JarvisBox fails to synchronize this file correctly.

How to solve the situation?

The relevant file or directory should be renamed:
  1. Read the full message, including the relevant File and the JarvisDrive subdirectory containing blocked files or directories

  2. Sign in to JarvisDrivevia the software in the Internet browser, or access theJarvisBox directoryon your computer

  3. Getting to the subdirectorycontaining blocking files/directories

  4. Renameblocking files/directories to delete the colon(s)

How can we avoid that this happens again?

Avoid using special characters in the name of your files, and rename files sent to you if they contain specific characteristics.

For more information, see the articleBest practices for JarvisDrive and JarvisBoxof the Help Center.