Création et gestion des activités
Duplicate an activity
You can Duplicate or delete an activity from your Matters or Contacts. Given that your activities are not billed or not comprised in a proforma, click on the actions button "...", then click on "Duplicate" The activity is then duplicated with the ...
Seize times, fees, discounts and benefits
You can create activities in several different ways. It is possible to create an activity: from a file from a customer record with the help of the time by converting an appointment into a billable activity by converting a task into billable activity ...
Create activities from the shortcut button (+) in the navigation bar
It is possible to create activities by clicking on the shortcut button (+) at the top right of your screen: Click on the type of activity. Information on the activity should then be provided:time, and thebenefit, and thecosts, and thedisbursements. ...
Create activity from a matter
It is possible to create activities from a matter: Click on New activity then choose the type of activity. It is then necessary to complete the activity information:time, and thebenefits, and thecosts, and thedisbursements. If this matter contains ...
Create activities from a customer record
It is possible to create activities since thecustomer profile: Click New Activity and then click the type of activity. It is then necessary to complete the activity information:time, and thebenefits, and thecosts, and thedisbursements. You will have ...
Convert an appointment to billable activity
Activities can be created from the calendar: From the calendar, right click on the appointment and click onConvert to billable activity. Choose the type of activity you want. Information on the activity should then be provided:time, and thebenefit, ...
Convert a task into billable activity
It is possible to convert a task into billable activity. At thecreation of a task, check the option should be checkedAdd this task to the schedules of assigned stakeholders. The task will then become a visible appointment in the calendar. Go to the ...
Change the hourly rate of an activity
It is possible to change the hourly rate of aactivity. This action is useful especially if you havechanged the hourly rate of a filein which you have entered activities. Appointment in thefilein the tabActivities. Click at the activity level on the ...
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Managing the roles of linked contacts
When you create or edit contacts, or when you manage parties of a matter, you have the opportunity to add linked contacts and indicate what role they have. At any time from the Customizable Settings List menu (1), you can add new roles (2), change ...
Manage the types of parties within your matters
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