Presentation of the e-Signature tool

Presentation of the e-Signature tool

Your integrated, 100% secure and hosted electronic signature tool in France

Directly integrated with your Jarvis Drive, the electronic signature tool allows you to have any document signed in a PDF format.

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Recognized legal value in Europe and France

Electronic signature for lawyer falls within a strict and framed legal framework. In Europe it is via the regulationeIDASthat the electronic signature takes on its legal force and through its transcription in articles 1366 and 1367 of the Civil Code in France.

Only solutions offered by certified trusted partners provide electronic signatures of legal value.
We rely on these trusted third parties for our solution.

Data reduction in France
Our electronic signature solution (Yousign) is exclusively hosted in France, so your data and documents are stored under security conditions on French servers.

We also ensure compliance with the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) based on trusted third parties. This ensures you the strictest level of GDPR compliance.

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