Once the signatories are selected, Step 2 allows you to place signature labels on the document. These labels correspond to the signature inserts, which will be displayed on the document once finalized. Several information is displayed:
- "Read and approved"
- The first name and name of the signatory (i.e. its signature once the document is finalized)
- Signed by [Name and name of signatory].
It is therefore sufficient to drag and drop this label on the document at the locations that must be signed.
You can drag and drop this label into the document as many times as needed.
Once the label is placed, you can press the "Send" button so that the document is sent to the client for signature.
Nb: The document cannot be sent until the label has been placed.
Once you have confirmed the shipment, the signatory(s) will receive an email inviting them to access and sign them.
Finally, once the document has been signed by all signatories, a finalization email will be sent to you, with the signed document and a redirect to your Drive.